Composite and Vinyl Deck Cleaning
Our deck power washing service will rejuvenate your composite deck, restore its original beauty, and prevent unnecessary repairs. Using gentle pressure and our eco-friendly biodegradable detergents, we will safely and gently remove algae, mildew, mold, and other contaminants from your composite deck.
With our deck pressure washing service, you’ll be ready, whether it’s a BBQ with friends or family, or just a relaxing evening with your favorite beverage.

Our 3 Step Deck Cleaning Process
Our 3 Step Deck Cleaning Process is Backed By Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Step 1. Upon Arrival
Upon arrival we will do a thorough assessment of your deck and surrounding areas, making sure no windows or doors near the deck are open. We take note of nearby delicate flower and vegetable gardens and carefully remove furniture and other items from the deck as needed.
Step 2. Safe and Quality Cleaning
We pre-wet all surrounding landscaping after which we apply our eco-friendly biodegradable detergents to your deck. The detergents are allowed to dwell for several minutes to break down the algae, mildew, and mold. Lastly, we thoroughly rinse everything down leaving your deck looking like new.
Step 3. Upon Completion & Inspection
We do a final thorough inspection ensuring that nothing was missed and that all your personal items are left as we found them. We double-check that everything has been cleaned to our exacting standards and leave the invoice in your door.
Honesty, Integrity & Experience
Why Choose Epic View
Satisfaction Guarantee
We want you to be thrilled with the results. If you don’t love what you see, you’ll get it for free.
High Star Rating
Your neighbors trust us. Give us just 1% of yours, and we will earn the other 99%. We want customers for life.
Price Quote Guarantee
The quote you receive is the price you pay. Transparent and straightforward. No surprises, no gimmicks.
Licensed & Insured
We are insured for $1 million. Sleep well at night knowing your home is protected by a professional company.
Friendly and Careful
Extraordinary technicians. They go about their work quietly and carefully, so you can go about yours.
Email Confirmations
We send confirmations and a reminder email 3 days prior. We will always show up when we say we will.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
“What I want to convey on behalf of my family, is our desire to take care of your home. Our goal and our satisfaction guarantee, is that you’ll be thrilled with how your home looks when we’re finished.”
Owner of Epic View Window Cleaning